
When is the best time to cut grass?

Knowing the proper height to cut your grass for optimal growth and an appearance that meets your expectations is important, but it's also essential to know when to cut it. Here is more information to help you determine the best time to cut your grass.

When to Cut the Grass Throughout the Year

First, let's clarify that the frequency with which you cut your grass will depend on the time of year. In general, it's recommended to cut your grass once a week from mid-May until September. As for cutting at the end of the season, you can reduce the frequency to once or twice a month. Note that by the end of October, the last cut should be very short. When the good weather returns, cutting should begin once the frosty nights are over and the outdoor temperature is milder. Generally, this takes place between April and mid-May, depending on the region.

When to Cut the Grass During the Day?

Determining when to cut your grass also involves knowing the best time based on the time of day or temperature. Regarding the latter specifically, cutting in the early evening (after 4 PM) allows you to take full advantage of the cooler part of the day. This prevents freshly cut grass from being immediately exposed to the heat of the sun. Secondly, it's recommended to cut the grass after a period of rain, not before, to take advantage of the substantial water supply, which is, of course, essential for maintaining a healthy lawn.

When to Cut the Grass During Heatwaves

Furthermore, cutting should not take place on very hot days to avoid yellowing of the grass. In such a situation, a single cutting every twelve days may suffice. If the hot weather stretches over several days, wait until late afternoon or evening to cut your grass. What should you do during a watering ban or less abundant rainfall? In this case, we recommend reducing the frequency of cutting your grass. If there are water usage restrictions, wait to cut your grass after it has been irrigated.

Knowing When to Cut the Grass: Taking Height into Account

To know when to cut your grass, it's also important to consider its height. At the time of cutting, it should have reached a height of more than 8 cm (3.15 inches), as this represents the minimum height to maintain. This is due to the fact that long grass can retain moisture, providing effective protection for the lawn's roots against potential damage caused by a lack of rainfall.